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How to create a comfortable home
26th Mar 2020
Now is a time when home has never been so meaningful. It’s important to create a comfortable feel in our homes so that we’ll never want to leave!
Think warmth. Blankets, candles, soups, coffee. These are all things that bring comfort and solace during this unique time.
Read on for a quick guide to creating an inviting home, all of which can be achieved without leaving your home!
- Put your memories on display
Because we are unable to see those outside of our ‘bubble’ at the moment, get some photos of past memories and put these up around your home; on the fridge, pinned to the wall or on the bookshelf. This will keep your heart full of warm memories.
- Eliminate clutter
Having clutter around can be stressful. Now’s a good time to sort and get rid of anything you don’t really need, or put it in place where it belongs. KonMari has a great 6 step guide to help you with this! Find out more
- Bring in nature
Living plants and greenery inside the home create a sense of calm, as well as purifying the air inside. Go out into the garden to pick some flowers/greenery/trailing plants, bring them inside and ensure you change the water over regularly (CRHS). You can place greenery in different areas of the home, be it your kitchen bench, bathrooom or on your makeshift desk
- Lighting
It’s nice to turn on lamps and keep the lighting dim at night with a few candles and the light from a fireplace if you have one. If you’re able to open the doors and windows during the day, this lets natural light in which is the best form of light for our well-being, plus a great power saving idea.
- Cook
Get your apron out! The smell of home baking is so inviting, and having these goodies to eat with a cuppa’ will delight others in your ‘bubble’. Make the most of using fresh, simple ingredients + enjoying good food with those you can. There’s plenty of winter wonders out there – check out Nadia Lim’s collection of super tasty and healthy recipes on her website. Click here